Wednesday, November 27, 2019

If at first you don't succeed, ...

Try, try again. Right? UGH

I was on day three and just had a failure of willpower. Something stressed me out and I reverted back to my old behavior of eating my feelings. Carbs, of course. *sigh*

I want to just vent for a minute. You know what really bugs me about keto these days? Everyone is "into" it. There are experts everywhere. Hollywood is into keto. It's the big thing in fitness right now. But really? My first foray into anything remotely keto was Atkins induction back in 2000. Then, after my diabetes diagnosis in 2010, I discovered keto when doing more research on Atkins and diabetes reversal. In 2014 I was one of several admins on one of the largest T2 diabetes groups on Facebook - over 30,000 members! I was doing great. Then one of the admins hijacked the group and shut it down because of a disagreement with other admins. That totally destroyed my faith in humanity at that point, and sent me into a spiral of depression and carb binging. I'm not blaming anyone but myself, but the circumstances were there, nonetheless.

Okay, so fast forward five years and suddenly everyone is in love with keto. What happened? Five years ago if you brought up keto everyone thought you were crazy and going to have a stroke or heart attack within a week, lol. I don't know what happened. Perhaps the exposure from Hollywood? Perhaps is was the proliferation of food companies that began catering to the keto movement that pushed it into the mainstream view? Whatever happened, I'm not so sure it has helped. If anything, the advice and information space has become more cluttered with so many variations of the facts that it's hard to distinguish fact from fiction any more.

Anyway, for me, today, it's back to square one. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Mulligan

Ok. So my fresh start failed again. I let down my guard and ate some pasta. I'm diabetic, so I took some insulin (no excuse) and overshot the mark. Next thing I know I was on a carb binge. Blood sugar went up to over 300 mg/dl (normal is 70 -120). Took a little more insulin to try and get off the roller coaster. 

Fast forward to yesterday. Mulligan time. Let's have a do-over. Great day yesterday! Check out my food intake:
Awesome, right?! Fats were a little high, protein a little low, but I kept those damn carbs in check! And I only needed 2 units of regular insulin all day. It was fantastic. As a result, my vitals this morning are off to a great start. Just look at that blood sugar!
I'm now officially one day into my keto journey. I just have to remember to take it one day at a time, one meal at a time, and one decision at a time. 

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Take 2

This was how my day went. I've also had (or will have) 10 cups of water before bed. Very close on nutritional goals of 5/75/20. Not ideal on water intake, but I can ramp that up pretty easy. Managed to stave off hunger today with some beef jerky for a snack and some sugar free gum. Let's see what tomorrow brings!

Monday, October 28, 2019


Yep, I did it again. So much for 100% committed, huh? Well, maybe I'll be back. Maybe I won't be. Stay tuned. Or not. Whatever.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Getting Started Again - Day 1

BMI Chart

I've done the keto diet before. Several times, in fact. At one point I lost 60 lbs, but gained 45 of it back when I went off the diet. Today, I'm getting back on track. I'm committed 100%. I currently weigh 254 lbs, and at 5' 8" my BMI is 38 (according to the Samsung Health app), which is obese. My first goal in doing keto is to get out of the "obese zone" on the BMI charts. This will mean losing around 60 lbs, dropping down to 195 lbs.

Long term, my goal is to get back into the normal weight range for my height. In addition, I will develop a keto lifestyle and will not return to the standard American diet (SAD!).

There are other things that go along with these goals; less medication, better health, eliminate diabetes (Type 2), etc. Well discuss these more as we approach these milestones along the way.

Who's with me? Bookmark my blog and let's take this journey together!